Inside Scoop: Moscow Ballet Nutcracker in Sioux City
Last week, the Moscow Ballet performed the Great Russian Nutcracker at the Sioux City Orpheum on Monday, December 3rd. Jillian's Dance & Fitness Studio dancer, Lainey Lee (along with her family), attended the show. Today, we check in with Lainey to discuss her experience at the Nutcracker.
Jillian's Dance & Fitness Studio: "Every year our studio celebrates the Christmas season by attending a Nutcracker performance. Last year we went to Omaha's performance. How did you and your family enjoy this version?"

Lainey: "It was great seeing all of the dancers in their costumes. I was super impressed with their turns."
Jillian's Dance & Fitness Studio: "Foutte turns are beautiful, especially done by dancers of that caliber. Were there any moments in the performance that really inspired you?"
Lainey: "Yes, at one point a dancer did foutte turns in the center of the stage really, really, fast."
Jillian's Dance & Fitness Studio: "Watching live dancing is a real treat. Did your family enjoy seeing the show too?"
Lainey: "Yes, we all had a good time. It was a nice thing to do for Christmas."
Jillian's Dance & Fitness Studio: "So would you go again?"
Lainey: "Absolutely!"

Lainey Lee and her family attended the Moscow Ballet's performance of the Nutcracker at the Sioux City Orpheum on December 3rd, 2018. She is a second year dancer at Jillian's Dance & Fitness Studio and studies Modern and Jazz/Poms technique.